

5064 Uppsatser om Zero point Field - Sida 1 av 338

Vad är Mångfald? : En studie om lärare samt ledning i två skolor i olika delar i

The subject of this paper is to examine the view of diversity among ten teachers and three principals in the Swedish compulsory school. The purpose is to investigate how they relate to the diversity and in what ways it is involved in their work.The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieus basic ideas of habitus, capital and field are used as a theoretical starting point. The study is mainly based on interviews supported by literature in the subject area.The findings show that diversity is associated with ethnicity among all informants. The drawn conclusion is that this is partly due to the mediated picture but also since ethnicity mainly serves as a starting point in the literature..

Självskadebeteende : Bemöter kuratorer ungdomar med självskadebeteende omedvetet olika?

The aim with this study was to learn about the experiences of field workers and welfare officers in the field of possible self-harm behavior among young people.Our problem was: Do field workers and welfare officers treat young people with deliberate self-harm differently and - How do field workers and welfare officers describe deliberate self- harm?Our study was conducted through qualitative semistructured interviews with twelve interviewee?s.The result of this study shows that there is a difference in how young people with self-harm behavior are being treated - based on their gender.One possible cause for this result could be the old tradition mindset of viewing boys and girls differently ? and thus, treating them differently when they seek help.Our study shows there is a possibility of treating boys and girls differently ? which shows that we made a thought-provoking point.

Utvärdering av BeWi Byggsystem

The construction industries are relatively conservative type of business that takes a longtime to adjust for new methods and embrace new ideas. It dose not matter if the newmethod seems to be an improved method as long as it is new and untried. Constructioncompanies are reluctant to change form a longtime working method to a relativelyunknown method.The purpose with our report is to perform an evaluation of BeWi construction method.Our goal are to present the generally opinion about BeWi from the contractors that hasbeen in contact/worked with the method. We also want to know from the contractor?spoint of view if BeWi and the method measure up to the standards that are presented byBeWi and if they believe that improvements need to be done.Our progress up to the final report has consisted of three parts[1]Field studies[2]Interviews[3]Literary studiesWe started out with field studies where we took notes and observed all the includedworking phases on the construction site when using the BeWi method.

Kombinerad DSP- och FPGA-lösning för en bildbehandlingsapplikation

This Master's Thesis describes the design of a new system where a digital signal processor has been added to an existing imaging system consisting of field programmable gate arrays. The new system will offer a higher degree of flexibility by considerably shortening the design time and make it possible to implement more complex algorithms than the existing ones. The choice of system architecture and a test implementation are discussed. The test implementation consists of a program for the digital signal processor and VHDL code for one of the field programmable gate arrays. The code for the digital signal processor was designed for testing on an evaluation board from Texas Instruments.

Musik i fritidshemmet

This master?s thesis discusses the term physical theatre from a discourse point of view. It also focuses on aspects of power from a field theory perspective. The main theory used is Pierre Bourdieu?s field theory, and I try to apply this onto critical discourse analysis, mainly taken from Michel Foucault.

Kvävemineralisering från stallgödsel beroende på olika grad av inblandning i mark

The impact of the distribution in the soil volume of two farm manures on the net mineralization and immobilization processes of nitrogen were studied in an incubation experiment. Cattle slurry and broiler litter were placed in the soil with three procedures for incorporation including placement on top of the soil (TOP), in the middle of the soil (MID) and mixed homogenously with the soil (MIX). During the two weeks of incubation, few significant differences in net mineralization were seen between TOP, MID and MIX. However, there was a tendency that MIX led to a larger net immobilization of N than placement at one point (TOP and MID). This is also the result in the literature.

Exkursion ? ett lärandetillfälle? : Lärare och elevers uppfattningar om exkursioners betydelse för lärande i ekologi

The main purpose of this study was to obtain insight into what students and teachers think about field trips in ecology and whether they think that fieldtrips result in increase of students? learning. Open questionnaires and half structured interviews were used to investigate this. Persons who answered the questionnaires and participated in the interviews were senior high school teachers in biology or science and high school science students. All the teachers and most of the students thought that field trips in ecology resulted in increased learning.

Så nås samstämmighet mellan logistik och företagsstrategi : en analys av hur den logistiska strategin ska utformas för att stödja företagets överordnade strategi

Background: Due to an increasing globalization the competition has increased and this has lead to overcapacity and falling prices on markets today. The subject field logistics has during the last decades been given increasingly significance and has become a way to handle the competition. Theories clearly point outthe importance that a concordance exists between logistics and superior strategy but few, if any, authors give further details about how this adjustment should be made. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is with a case study approach survey if the subject field, which describe the importance that logistical solutions correspond with the superior strategy, is known and implemented in a company. We aim to develop the subject field through our empirical findings.

Den gemensamma utrikes och säkerhetspolitiken- Ett neo-funktionalistiskt perspektiv

This essay aims to explore the development of the common foreign and security policy within the European Union as well as the recent addition of the post of High representative in the field of the common foreign and security policy. This essay will attempt to achieve this trough exploring the questions; how have the aim of the European foreign policy developed, how the forms of cooperation has within this field developed and finally what impact will the recent addition of a high representative for the common foreign and security have. My aim is to answer these questions with the help of neo-functionalism.The results that came out of this essay point to the direction that the neo- functionalist premise about spill over effects and the notion about increased supranational influence turn out to have some validity in them. The study has shown that during the time the cooperation within the field of foreign and security policy have developed it is possible to see that supranational institutions will gain influence when the scope of integration within a policy area widens and deepens..

Kroppens Kultur : Fysisk teater som begrepp, dess diskurs och status på teaterfältet.

This master?s thesis discusses the term physical theatre from a discourse point of view. It also focuses on aspects of power from a field theory perspective. The main theory used is Pierre Bourdieu?s field theory, and I try to apply this onto critical discourse analysis, mainly taken from Michel Foucault.

Industrialiserat byggande : Fältfabrikens användning, utveckling och framtid

The construction industry is currently receiving much criticism for inefficiency and slow development while demands for reduced built in moisture and efficiency increases. This report examines whether the use of field factories can meet these requirements and what factors that will be critical for future use of field factories. Industrialized construction with field factory is compared with traditional loose timber construction and industrial construction in the fields of execution, logistics and working environment. The aim of this report is to provide a basis for field factories current and future use and development. To achieve the aim of the report, people with experience in the use of the various methods was interviewed and literature studies in the various fields done.

Arkitekturhistorisk terminologi. Antikvariskt behov av kunskapsstöd

This study you are about to read have two investigated areas concerning the need ofsources in terms of architectural historys terminology. The investigation is based on aquestionnaire study.The first aim of this study is to describe the intergrated conservations professionalqualifications in the subject. In what condition are the knowledge of them who recentlypassed the examination, what needs do the professionals have, what kind of sources duthey use in fields and are they satisfied with the amount of sources?The second aim of the study is to find out if there are any place for developing a newsource at the market? If it is, how can a new source include the informed needs?The study came up with several needs pointed out by the professionals in the field.These needs are the groundwork of a new source that the study introduce, aarchitectural glossary of terms, made of illustrations! The point is that the new idea ofglossary will meet the needs of today, rationalise the work and improve the knowledge inthe subject..

Bland barn, lasersvärd och lejon : Hur förhåller vi oss till och tar tillvara barns kulturella erfarenheter?

This essay, with the title: Among children, laser swords and lions. ? How do we approach and utilize the cultural experiences of children? is an approach to participate in a scientific discussion in the field of cultural experiences. This text is an attempt to show the importance of paying attention to, how children express themselves, and place their activities in social and cultural contexts. By doing so and approaching children and their activities with an intercultural point of view, I can use my new found knowledge and use it to stimulate their future learning progresses in different fields.

Omvärldsbevakning i tre organisationer med fokus på hållbar stadsutveckling

The subject field studied in this essay is environmental scanning. The aim of this study is to analyse how three public organizations within the subject field sustainable development work with their environmental scanning. Most organizations have to relate to their surroundings such as clients and competitors. Environmental scanning is another very important field that organizations have to relate to in their work. This essay has three questions in focus which are the following;How is the work with environmental scanning in the three organizations arranged?How does the work with environmental scanning differ in the three organizations?How important is environmental scanning for the subject field sustainable development?The study was carried out through four conducted interviews with key persons within the three organizations.

Konst Kräver Offer : En analys av Nathalia Edenmonts konstnärskap i ljuset av Pierre Bourdieus kulturteori

Nathalia Edenmont is a controversial and uncompromising photo artist who has caused the whole world to rage over her obscene photographs. In this thesis I have researched Edenmonts artistry with help of the sociologist Pierre Bourdieus field analysis. By using Bourdieus's different field concepts I have researched Edenmonts artistic career by concepts such as habitus, consecration and different principles.The starting point of this research has been that Nathalia Edenmont is in the autonomous artistic field. I give examples of images that have been highly debated and I have collected information of how Edenmont sees her own images and her artistry. In this thesis I show amongst other things an example with Edenmonts photograph of dead rabbits with Elizabethan hair styling, cut up mice that work like finger puppets and children who are bound up in wire.Nathalia Edenmont autonomous artistry is deeply rooted in her background and the environment in which she was raised.

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